Kumutukura Gisasa - Water System #10

Kumutukura Gisasa - Water System #10

The team behind the Gazelle Foundation is passionate about bringing change and hope to the people of Burudni, which is why we are excited to announce the start of a new water project! The Kumutukura Gisasa water system will serve 4,300 people from the general population, 600 combined teachers and students at the Kabugabo primary school; 486 students and teachers at the Kabugabo secondary school and 200 people at the Kabugabo church on Sundays.

Musumba-Water System #9

Musumba-Water System #9

We are pleased to announce that construction on the Musumba water system began in January 2013 and concluded April 2013. It brings us 2,800 people, closer to achieving our goal of providing every person in Burundi with clean water, the highest quality of life, and hope within reach.

Fuku Extension Water System #8

Fuku Extension Water System #8

During a Board Member’s visit to Burundi, the Fuku community asked about extending the existing Fuku water project to bring water to an additional segment of the population. We are pleased to announce that construction on the Fuku Extension water system began on October 30, 2012.

Dandaza Water System #7

Dandaza Water System #7

The Dandaza water system, our 7th project in Burundi was completed on November 12, 2012. It serves 1,510 people and provided work for 45 local residents.

It brings us, 1,510 people, closer to achieving our goal of providing every person in Burundi with clean water, the highest quality of life, and hope within reach.