Run For The Water in Austin and Change Lives in Africa

Run for the Water in Austin and Change Lives in Africa

You can give clean drinking water for life to someone in Burundi, Africa just by registering for the 2018 Run for the Water, in either the 5K, 10-mile, or Kids K race. Register here

Runners of all ages and experience levels are invited to take part in this inspiring Austin event which since 2006 has helped bring clean drinking water to more than 92,000 people in Burundi, one of the world’s poorest nations.

The city’s second largest annual charity run, Run for the Water raises money for the Gazelle Foundation, a non-profit founded by Austin resident and Burundian genocide survivor Gilbert Tuhabonye. This year, the foundation hopes to register 4,000 runners to raise more than $300,000 for water projects that will transform lives in Burundi.

When & Where: November 4, 2018, Downtown Austin

  • 7:00 a.m.: 10-mile and 5K start at Cesar Chavez east of Lamar Blvd (course maps). Both races finish on the South First Street Bridge.

  • 9:15 a.m.: Kids K starts and finishes on the South First Street Bridge.

How to Register: Sign up at the Run for the Water website.

Why Run: Most Americans can take access to clean water for granted, but for the people of Burundi, it’s a matter of life and death. Waterborne contaminants are the leading cause of death in the land-locked African nation. Burundi has one of the world’s highest child mortality rates due largely to a lack of clean drinking water.

Run For The Water in Austin and change the life of someone like Greta in Burundi.

The Gazelle Foundation is able to make an enormous impact on the everyday lives of Burundians by working closely with them to complete clean water projects one village at a time. This year, the foundation has funded nine locally-managed projects that brought water to over 13,500 residents. Costs are low – about $30 per person served – thanks to the foundation’s efficient work with local stakeholders.

Proceeds from this year’s race will expand the foundation’s plans for regional water systems. By running just 5 kilometers in Austin, a Central Texas runner can dramatically shorten the distance a Burundian has to walk every day for clean water — from three miles down to a quarter mile or less. This change brings hope by improving the health, employment prospects and educational opportunities of entire communities.

The race follows a spectacular scenic route that Austin Runner Magazine called the best in the city, a "crown jewel and must-do event for beginners and veterans alike." Run for the Water is also the second event in the Austin Distance Challenge. 

What Else You Can Do: You can help the people of Burundi by registering, but you can amplify your contribution by asking family, friends, and organizations to sponsor your run. Runners can set up personal fundraising pages as part of the registration process.

About Run for the Water & the Gazelle Foundation

The Gazelle Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that implements charitable efforts to improve life for people in Burundi. Run for the Water is the Gazelle Foundation's largest annual fundraiser.

The foundation supports the philanthropic vision of author, local running coach and motivational speaker Gilbert Tuhabonye, who survived genocide in 1993 during Burundi’s civil war. Tuhabonye ran from his attackers, literally, and then used his abilities to win a track scholarship to the U.S., where he was a member of multiple NCAA national championship teams and carried the Olympic torch in 1996. He is well known in Austin as the leader of the Gilbert’s Gazelles training group and the track coach at St. Andrews High School.