Amplify Austin 2018

Have you ever wanted to donate money to one of your favorite local nonprofits? You’re in luck. Amplify Austin provides that exact opportunity!  For the third year in a row, the Gazelle Foundation has joined forces with Amplify Austin to help spread the word about our mission and our need for ongoing support. 

In 2006, we set forth the bold mission to transform the lives of the people in Burundi by providing access to clean water.  And our goal for Amplify Austin is to bring clean water to 1,000 people in 24 hours.

If you make your gift between 5 am and 6 am, we could be in the running for an additional monetary prize for the most donations made in a single hour.  Gilbert will be running Wilke Hill 30 times on Friday, March 2nd at 6 a.m. 

Please show your support for Gilbert and the Gazelle Foundation by making a gift!

If that wasn’t reason enough, here’s a list of 30 more reasons you should donate today!

1.      Clean water changes everything.

2.     You have the power to change a life. Forever.

3.     Ever tried living without clean water?

4.     All proceeds go straight to Burundians who need it, no red tape, just clean water.

5.     Keeps kids healthy to attend school.

6.     Average distance walked per day per family = 6,801 meters. After = 402.6 meters.


7.     Every donation helps one person in Burundi have clean water for life.

8.     Having clean water is a necessity, not a luxury.

9.     Drinking clean water helps prevent parasites & illnesses.

10.   A $30 donation can create a lifetime of happiness.

11.   Clean water will cut down on infant mortality rates in Burundi.

12.   Bathing shouldn’t have to be a risk.

13.   You could be a hero today.

14.   Kids can go to school prepared rather than spending hours fetching water.

15.   Our Board of Directors will match the funds up to $5,000.

16.   You can track the progress of different projects in Burundi.

17.   Families no longer have to worry about the purity of their water.


18.  Women in Burundi can spend more time caring for their families instead.

19.  No one should have to travel miles every day for a cup of clean water.

20.  Helps kids get to school since they no longer will have to get water miles away.

21.  You are making a difference.

22.  This year we will provide access to clean water to 14,720 people – with your help.

23.  We have completed 44 water projects in 11 years.

24.  Local workers are employed for all our projects.

25.  Your support will enable us to build 9 projects this year.

26.  2018 projects will require hand-trenched pipeline stretching 28.5 miles- longer than a marathon!

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27.  1,712 children will have access to clean water at their school in 2018.

28.  YOU can impact 1,000 lives through your support in Amplify Austin.

29.  84,060 Burundians say “Urakoze!” for providing clean water and change their lives forever.

30.  Clean water is just the beginning.