Liberal Arts and Science Academy Students help make clean water possible for students in Burundi

The Liberal Arts and Science Academy PAL® group put on its first annual PALent Show which showcased LASA teachers and faculty members hidden talents. At the beginning of the school year the idea was introduced of doing a Spring fundraiser for the Gazelle Foundation after a second year PAL and LASA senior, worked as an office aid with the Foundation over the summer. Using the Austin High Walk for Water as inspiration, LASA PALS brainstormed ideas and eventually with the help of the PALS teacher Mrs. Skaer and LASA administrators the PALent Show was born. The week leading up the show each PAL sold 10 or more wristbands to the show for $3 each meaning every PAL helped provide water for someone in Burundi for the rest of their life. The day of the show was complete chaos as teachers did sound checks and students scrambled to find additional wristbands for the the sold out show. 

Between talent acts the PALS emcees showed videos from the Gazelle Foundation and quizzed the audience on water scarcity statistics, so there was a great balance between learning about the Gazelle Foundation's mission and LASA community-building. By the end of the show the theatre was at maximum capacity and the LASA PALS had helped to raise over $1,400 for people in Burundi. The LASA PAL group would love to see the PALent Show fundraiser become a tradition at LASA and would encourage other high school students to create fundraisers tailored to their school whether that's a walk or a talent show or another idea waiting to be created. 

For the people of Burundi water is life. Access to clean water means access to better health, stronger community, jobs, education and most of all: hopeJoin us and transform lives today!