Bringing Clean Water and Catalyzing Positive Change

We are happy to report that another Gazelle Foundation project is nearing completion in the Songa Commune of the Bururi Province. Where local residents previously traveled substantial distances on foot to collect dirty water from small springs and pools. 

Today, two water collection tanks have been completed in addition to four tap stands to access the water, and all that remains is digging trenches and finishing the connection of the pipes. Once complete, the Taba-Henyera system’s six tap stands will provide a clean water source to approximately 1,750 people.  Including the people pictured here. Join us and transform lives today.

Tap stand at Ryabitamo source.JPG

The water system requires two collection chambers, 3 kilometers of primary pipeline, and six tap stands with appropriate drainage placed over 1.1 kilometers of distribution pipeline. The first collection chamber at Gasenyi is supplied by two sources totaling in a .4 L/s capacity, and the second source at Ryabitamo is provided by a single source with a .3/Ls capacity. Each of the collection chambers supplies a 5-cubic meter tank, one in the Taba sub-colline, and the other in the Henyera sub-colline. The primary pipeline will connect the sources to the collection tanks, with the distribution pipeline accessing six different taps throughout the area including a tap at the Emmanuel Church. Learn how we build water systems efficiently and effectively. 

Completion of the Taba-Henyera water system will meaningfully impact the community by shortening the distance people travel, improving health by reducing waterborne illnesses, helping children stay healthy and focused on school as well as allowing for more family time.

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For the people of Burundi water is life. Access to clean water means access to better health, stronger community, jobs, education and most of all: hopeJoin us and transform lives today!