It has been an incredible few weeks! Thanks to the hardworking National Junior Honor Society students at St. Theresa’s Catholic School in Austin, Texas. They raised over $4,500 to fund clean water.
The school whose mission is to develop all students to their full potential by educating them in a Catholic and academically excellent environment, preparing them to share God’s love through a life of faith and service chose the Gazelle Foundation for their service project for the 2018-2019 academic year.
St. Theresa’s Catholic School: Issues they care about and take action to be part of the solution
The NJHS students invited the Gazelle Foundation to attend a school-wide assembly about the virtue of gratitude. 450 students ages pre-k through eighth grade where guided by the NJHS students through a brief but thorough examination of gratitude including a powerpoint presentation with historical and biblical details, an original skit, and a Q & A session. Raquel Colom, Middle School Spanish teacher is the NJHS student advisor at St. Theresa’s Catholic School.
A video (see below) narrated by Burundi native and Gazelle Foundation co-founder Gilbert Tuhabonye gave a different perspective on gratitude. Gilbert’s story includes great tragedy, it is also one of faith, hope, and resilience. He is living proof that one person can make the world a better, more compassionate place, and that love really does conquer all evil.
Bringing Clean Water To People in Need
In Burundi the number one cause of death is water-borne illnesses such as typhoid, diarrhea, hepatitis A, schistosomiasis. The funds raised by St. Theres’s students helps to tackle this problem.
Immediate impact of access to clean water
Decreases disease rate by 80%
Puts children back into the classroom by giving them time for education instead of searching for water
Allows a village to focus on building a future earning a living, spend time with family instead of walking to collect water from rivers
The funds raised by St. Theresa’s Catholic School students equate to over 150 people in Burundi getting daily access to as much clean water as they need
While many learned about the Foundation at the gratitude assembly. Others knew about the Gazelle Foundation’s work, from Gilbert Tuhabonye’s his book, This Voice In My Heart or events like running group or youth camps, or participating in the fall race Run For The Water.
The NJHS members participated in bake sales and spirit days to collect money and fund clean water. Paula McCaul, former St. Theresa’s staff member and parent to three alumnus of the school and current Gazelle Foundation Board Member attended the end of year assembly to thank the students and celebrate their efforts.
“I was thrilled to get to see Jay Arellano, dean of students again at the assembly! I loved seeing the children using their voices and hearts to improve the lives of families around the world. I am inspired by them and I can’t wait to see who they become.” said McCaul.
Partnerships like the one with St. Theresa’s Catholic School help children gain a deeper understanding of water scarcity, consumption, and their role and ability to be engaged, global citizens. They are helping transform futures for people in Burundi. The Gazelle Foundation is thankful to St. Theresa’s Catholic School, the NJHS students, their community and supporters.
Thanks to the hardworking National Junior Honor Society students at St. Theresa’s Catholic School in Austin, Texas. They raised over $4,500 to fund clean water. Which means parents and kids in Burundi won’t have to worry about where they will wash their hands, or get a drink of water. St. Theresa’s Catholic School — your generosity inspires us!
The Gazelle Foundation has completed over 50 water systems to date. To learn more about our water systems from how how many bags of concrete are used to their life-saving impact and upcoming events subscribe to our monthly newsletter.
People using water system are immediately healthier, because sanitation and hygiene are boosted, and risk of water-borne infectious diseases are reduced. Rather than spending hours collecting water, kids get more time to attend school. And people can work and earn money.
The combination of health, income and education begin to reverse a cycle of poverty. Access to clean water creates new opportunities and changes the trajectory of every person in the community.
$300.00 The gift of clean water for two families. For Life.
$500.00 The gift of clean water for one classroom at a local school.
$100.00 The gift of a salary for one local worker building the water project.
You fund water systems in Burundi like the one pictured here. Water is captured from a source before it can become contaminated, it is filtered in the collection chamber and flows onward. PVC pipe is entrenched and carries water to tanks, and to multiple tap stands. Tap stands are strategically positioned within easy walking distance to schools, churches, community centers to maximize access points for residents. Water is available for free to all people regardless of the person’s tribe or religion.