Burundi is known as “ The Heart of Africa” because of its shape and location within the continent. And it’s the birthplace of Gilbert Tuhabonye, our co-founder. Burundi still struggles to emerge from a 12-year ethnic-based civil war that left a cycle of crippling poverty—it is the poorest country in the world.
Burundi has the 12th highest child mortality rate globally, and those deaths are primarily due to preventable, water-borne diseases. Water-borne contaminants are the leading cause of death overall in Burundi. Over 3 million Burundians will require aid this year, but certain government regulations make it very difficult for non-governmental organizations to operate there, making the challenges greater still. The Gazelle Foundation helps remedy this one community at a time.
The Gazelle Foundation’s unique knowledge of Burundi, and our partnerships there, enable us to provide clean water to thousands of Burundians every year.
“Millions of Burundians wake up each day in great poverty with no real way of getting out.
However, I know that clean water is the key to breaking this cycle. I have seen the difference clean water makes.
When there are tap stands, children can go to school. Mothers and Fathers can earn a living and spend time with their families.
Clean water means the chance for a better tomorrow. Most of all, it means HOPE.”
Since 2006, we have focused on bringing clean water and transformative change to Burundi. Working in a single, small country means it is easy to track the long-term impact of our systems. We have accomplished a lot, but there is still more work to do.
You can help make an enormous difference in people’s lives today. When you make a contribution to the Gazelle Foundation, you make an outsized difference on the ground in Burundi.
Explore Burundi is our series featuring cultural information and insights into the place where we work, and where you help us bring hope to so many.