2024 Marks the 31st Walk Towards Forgiveness: An Anniversary of Life, Love & Clean Water
Each year on October 21, Gilbert Tuhabonye celebrates his second chance at life. On that day in 1993, he literally ran for his life. He was a high school junior and national champion runner when the centuries-old war between the Tutsi and Hutu tribes erupted in Burundi.
Gilbert, along with a hundred Tutsi classmates and teachers, were forced into a room where they were beaten and burned. Gilbert, on fire, ran to freedom and survived this horrific event.
To honor the anniversary of that tragic day and to remind people how difficult it is for most people in Burundi to access water on a daily basis, Gilbert gathers with friends to carry water jugs from Lady Bird Lake to the Capitol building. The walk brings awareness to the water problem, its solution, and the profound impact our supporters have in providing clean water to those who need it most.
This year marks the 31st anniversary of Gilbert’s Walk Towards Forgiveness: An Anniversary of Life, Love and Clean Water.
Photographs ©Liz Kreutz, @lizkreutz

DO Everything with Joy
Gilbert’s message isn’t one of sorrow or anger; it’s one of joy, faith and forgiveness. Driven by a desire to unleash the potential of anyone who seeks it – in running and in life – Gilbert’s indomitable spirit moves everyone he meets.
He inspires others to believe they can achieve anything, regardless of the circumstances or obstacles. He is a living reminder that humanity is greater than the sum of all the world’s injustices.
And he is proof that the work of a few – or even just one – can make this world, our world, a better place.
Clean Water Equals Transformation
Today, Gilbert is a retired professional runner, philanthropist, author, motivational speaker and community leader in Austin, where he lives with his wife Triphine and two daughters, Emma and Grace. He is also the owner and founder of Gilbert's Gazelles, one of Austin's largest running training groups, the head cross country and track coach at St. Andrews High School, and a co-founder of the Gazelle Foundation, which provides clean water to people in his homeland of Burundi, Africa.
The Gazelle Foundation supports the philanthropic vision of Gilbert Tuhabonye. The Gazelle Foundation has a track record of success in Burundi. To date over 130,000 people now have access to clean water because of supporters like you. Working in a single, small country means it is easy to track the long-term impact of the water system. See our impact.
Gazelle Foundation’s Mission to Transform Communities with Clean Water
Clean water is foundational to community health and economic growth, and the Gazelle Foundation amplifies those effects by employing local workers and local suppliers in water system development. All Gazelle Foundation water systems provide clean water, free of charge for life, to all community members - regardless of tribe, ethnicity, or religion - with the aim of fostering long-term peace and stability in the region. Learn about our 100% success rate and sustainability
Due to the unique nature of the Foundation’s structure and in-country partners, the cost to build water systems is lower than average. Learn more about our work.
The Gazelle Foundation is a certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations to the Gazelle Foundation go directly to funding sustainable water systems in Burundi. If Gilbert’s story inspires you, consider becoming a monthly donor or getting involved another way.
Rendering of typical water system during construction. Visit our blog to see all the water systems we have built.