Donor's Faith in Gazelle Foundation's Mission Inspires $5k Fundrasing Challenge That He Will Match

An anonymous donor inspired by his faith and love for Burundi is sponsoring a Clean Water Challenge to transform more lives in Burundi and spread more

  • peace 🕊️,

  • love ❤️, and

  • clean water💧

When you donate before October 21st, you'll help us secure a challenge grant that will help twice as many people in Burundi access the life-changing power of clean water. 

Inspired by Gilbert Tuhabonyes message of joy, faith, and forgiveness, the Clean Water Challenge also honors Gilbert’s Anniversary of Life when he escaped from genocide into a new life. Each fall as a reminder of that tragic day, Gilbert gathers with friends to carry water jugs from Lady Bird Lake to the Capitol building to remind people how difficult it is for most people in Burundi to access water on a daily basis.

LOVE IN ACTION: Forgiveness comes from Gilbert’s belief that sharing love and fulfilling basic needs transforms lives permanently. He experienced firsthand the deprivation of life without clean water and how hardship can sow division. After co-founding a foundation that has built 71 water systems and counting, trips back to Burundi’s remote, picturesque hills and valleys are filled with gratitude, love, and hope overflowing from so many.

BE A CHANGEMAKER: Donate today and join our compassionate community of changemakers who are committed to bringing clean water and hope to Burundi one water system at a time. Together, we can create a world where kindness and love are the norm, not the exception. Living water, indeed!

When you donate between now and October 21st, you will help twice as many people in Burundi access the life-changing power of clean water.

Students in Burundi at clean water tap stand funded and built by the gazelle foundation

How Will $10K Be Used in Burundi? 

In honor of the Clean Water Challenge, we want to share six facts about Burundi and the impact more clean water will have.

  1. Gazelle Foundation’s sustainable water systems are built to provide clean water for life.

  2. Of the 71 water systems we have built since 2006, all are in use today. This means you can be confident your donation will be invested in water systems that last.

  3. Clean water systems reduce waterborne diseases, which continue to be a leading cause of death in Burundi.

  4. Clean water systems are available to all people regardless of tribe or religion, healing divisions and building common ground.

  5. Access to clean water gives people precious time to grow food, earn an income, spend time with family, and attend school — all of which are foundational to breaking the cycle of poverty.

  6. We have built the best community of supporters in the world (that's you!).

Our ambitious goal to raise $5K and earn a matching $5K from the Clean Water Challenge promises to bring vast improvements to generations of Burundians. Join us and let’s bring this dream to life.