Welcome Gazelle Foundation Interns

Working to make a difference

Arianna B. is a third-year student at McGill University studying environment and international development. She grew up around the Austin area and is spending part of the summer in Bulgaria. Arianna is working with our communications, program services, and outreach teams to research water systems we’ve built. By the end of October, the Gazelle Foundation will unveil an interactive mapping tool that will shine a light on every water system built and individual stories of impact.

We appreciate Arianna’s enthusiasm and unwavering commitment to making clean water accessible and showing the impact supporters make.

How did you get connected to the Gazelle Foundation? 

I was looking online for non-profits focused on water issues and Gazelle Foundation consistently popped up in the top search results! 

What motivated you to become an Intern? 

I wanted to connect with people working in fields relevant to my studies in environment and international development and to apply what I have spent the last several years learning about in action, outside of an academic setting.

How does your unique background and perspective help move the mission forward? 

Having grown up with parents of different nationalities and attending an international university has allowed me to come to Gazelle Foundation with an open mind. Additionally, choosing areas of study that focus on global issues has taught me that our natural and social landscapes are inextricably linked, so I understand that providing access to clean water is a crucial step to breaking the poverty cycle. Having our basic needs met is necessary for growth.

What accomplishments or projects keep you motivated and engaged in the Gazelle Foundation mission? 

Incorporating initiatives to invest in the community being served shows that Gazelle Foundation understands how clean water and economic growth are interconnected. It is a clear sign that they are focused on long-term positive impact which is something that inspired me to get involved. Why Water Matters.

What do you like to do in your (limited!) spare time? 

I love going for long walks, painting, and listening to music.

What book is on your nightstand currently? Or any recent favorite movies, music, or podcasts? Why are they favorites? 

I am currently reading The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. I used to love dystopian novels when I was younger and am excited to get back into it! As for recent favorites, if you are interested in environmental issues I would highly recommend Life in Oil: Cofán Survival in the Petroleum Fields of Amazonia by Michael Cepek. I read this book for an anthropology course and found it to be very insightful into the complexities of extractive industries and also did a great job of platforming Indigenous perspectives.