Latest projects completed--Thank you!

In May 2017, we gathered at our annual Spring for the Water and collectively raised enough money to fund two water projects in a rural, mountainous area in Burundi. We came together as a community of givers, builders and change seekers.  And now, lives are being transformed.  Because of your generosity, we have completed both projects that will impact more than 4,600 people in Burundi.  Thank you for believing in our mission. 

Karuhaya-Kuntatemwa Water System

This water system will impact more than 1,800 people in the Musenyi area of the Songa Commune. Prior to the water system, women and children walked 2-3 miles to obtain water from small springs and water pools that were contaminated and often shared with livestock. The water system now allows local communities to fetch water from one of the six tap stands that stretch along the 2.5 miles of hand-trenched pipeline. 


Muryamurebe-Kigembe Water System

This water system will impact more than 2,800 people in the Muheka area of the Songa Commune. 350 parishioners at the local church and 312 school children at the Kigembe primary school will have daily access to clean water. The water system enables local communities to fetch water from one of the thirteen tap stands that stretch along the 5 miles of hand-trenched pipeline. Tap stands are now available along the path to school and church as well.

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Empower a village forever.

At the end of each project, we entrust the entire water system to the local community, instilling true ownership and stewardship of the water system.  We educate them on how to maintain the system and the importance of practicing personal hygiene and sharing this knowledge among the community.  Below are photos from training meetings with the Water Provincial Committee.

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