Congratulations Finishers For Making Run For The Water A Success

Congratulations finishers! We thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for making Run For The Water 2021 a success.

Run For The Water 2021. Photo: @Elizabeth Kreutz, 2021.

Our team has waited almost two years to see you at the start line after our race went virtual for 2020 - and you did not disappoint! You registered, ran, donated and fundraised, all of which supports our work of providing people in need daily access to clean water.

From everyone at the Gazelle Foundation and the many benefactors of clean water - Murakoze Cane! (Thank you very much!)

Thank you for being at Run For The Water 2021. I am thankful you lined up to race. It has been a long time since we were together. Be proud of what you have done. Thank you for all you did to give so that others may be stronger. Murakoze!

- Gilbert Tuhabonye

Kids K, 2021 Run For The Water. Photo: @Elizabeth Kreutz, 2021.

Meditation - Run For The Water 2021

Close your eyes and take a moment simply to breathe.

Give thanks for this breath, for the earth below you. 

Be present in this moment. 

It is finally a moment of togetherness! 

Like a friend who’s been away, this run welcomes us back. 

We once again run side by side to bring hope to a tiny country,

Mostly forgotten by the world. 

Today, celebrate that you are saying YES to joy! 

Yes—to gathering safely. 

Yes—to running the difficult route ahead. 

Yes—to helping others.

Yes—to giving water. 

Celebrate the positive change you create just by being here today. 

Celebrate your personal strength. 

Celebrate your choice to give water 

so that others can become strong. 

Say YES to carrying the spirit of gratitude and change with you

Through the streets of Austin today

And everyday.

On this glorious morning, 

Give thanks—for hope, for life, for water, for each other, 

For all these many blessings. 

Meditation offered by Denise Sechelski

Post-Race Information & FAQs

Race Results: Race Results

Photos: Find yours now!


One Race. A Lifetime of Change.

For 15 years running, the Gazelle Foundation has thrown the best race in town. Each November, over 5,000 runners and walkers take to the streets of downtown Austin for the annual Run For The Water 10 Miler, 5K, and Kids K through our beautiful west Austin course.  

The race benefits the Gazelle Foundation, dedicated to providing clean water to the people of Burundi. Each registration equals clean water for one person for life. Clean water provides a path out of poverty, bringing access to better health, stronger communities, jobs, education, and most of all: hope

Thank you to our incredible Sponsors for making the race possible