Our Board Members are amazing! For over a decade, they have committed whole-heartedly to providing access to clean water for the people of Burundi. We want you to get to know the people who make the mission possible.
Adam Reiser is a residential home builder who holds a JD from the University of Texas and MPH from the UT School of Public Health. He specializes in legal and government relations, as well as campaign management and strategic growth. A long-time runner and volunteer with Run For The Water, Adam believes strongly that access to clean water will only become more important in a changing climate. When he’s not helping change the world, he enjoys running, skiing, travel and reading about politics and history.
How did you get connected to the Gazelle Foundation?
Gilbert and Peter and I have been friends for 20+ years, and I always was a fan of the mission and the people involved.
What motivated you to join the Board?
I found myself offering suggestions to Gilbert on our morning runs for ways the Foundation could expand its reach and purpose. Eventually, he got tired of listening to my ideas in a vacuum and suggested I put some of them to work on the board. The board’s nomination committee agreed.
How does your unique background and perspective help move the mission forward?
Having been involved in events in Austin since 2003, I've tried to bring that experience, ideas, and energy to a variety of the Foundation’s events and fundraisers.
What accomplishments or projects keep you motivated and engaged in the Gazelle Foundation mission?
The Foundation's work takes place across an ocean (a big one at that!) in Burundi, a country most people can't even find on a map - and yet the value of lives on that continent is exactly equal to ours in the West. My motivation is to continue to shine a spotlight on that inequity - if wide swathes of America didn't have easy, safe access to clean drinking water, communities would be in a constant state of mobilization to act to remedy it. Why shouldn't we react the same way to this issue regardless of where it happens?
“I am looking forward to helping continue the great work of the past with a vision for growth in the future. ”
What do you like to do in your (limited!) spare time?
Helping my 9-year-old become the next starting catcher for the Colorado Rockies baseball team. My throwing arm is seemingly always sore.
What book is on your nightstand currently? And recent favorite movies, music, or podcasts?
Ministry of the Future, by Kim Stanley Robinson. A scary but inspiring reminder of the frightening realities of climate change and why we need to get our act together as far as carbon emissions are concerned.
And recent favorite movies, music, or podcasts? Why are they favorites?
We are taking our kids to their first concert next month - you guessed it, the Jonas Brothers. So that has been on our playlist a lot at our house.....They're not bad!
Learn more about why clean water matters.