Musenyi-Gasibe Water System #70


We are pleased to announce that construction on the Museyi-Gasibe water system began on February 13, 2024, and was completed on August 30, 2024. At out outset the community has a nonfunctioning water system that was constructed by a different organization decades ago. Currently, there is no clean water located near the region’s four primary schools. By abject necessity, the majority of the population relies on a primary water source that is several miles away from the community, and the water there is contaminated. 

Preventable, water-borne diseases are the leading cause of death in Burundi, which has the 12th highest child mortality rate globally. Communities with Gazelle Foundation water systems have drastically reduced, and in some cases eliminated, the presence of water-borne illnesses among the families that live in them.

Thanks to our generous supporters this project will serve 3,500 people, including 379 students and teachers at Gasibe Primary School, 226 students and teachers at Kivyirame Primary School, 455 students and teachers at Bitezi Primary School, and 310 students and teachers at Rwoga Primary School.


Building sustainable water systems breaks the cycle of poor health and poverty. The fact is, that preventable, waterborne diseases are still a leading cause of death in Burundi. Communities with Gazelle Foundation water systems have drastically reduced, and in some cases eliminated, the presence of water-borne illnesses among the families that live in them.

Clean water means clear futures for the residents whose young people can pursue education while their families can devote more time to farming and other economic activities to strengthen their community’s long-term resilience. Access to clean and safe water for their daily use ensures environmental, economic, and social health, an important legacy of sustainability which is built into each project. 

Project Overview

  • Construction dates: February 13, 2024 - August 30, 2024

  • Located in Murenge and Gasibe Collines

  • Scope: 25km pipeline

  • 2 new storage tanks

  • Refurbishing 15 water tanks

  • 2 new tap stands

  • Refurbishing 20 tap stands

  • Employees: 75 workers including masons and plumbers

  • Serves 3,500 residents

Project Schematic

The project will serve approximately 3,500 people from the general population including 3 schools.

Gazelle Foundation is Uniquely Qualified for this project

We continue to maintain a 100% success rate. Refurbishing and expanding the system will provide clean water to this community for years to come.

Key technical solutions for this system include; constructing two new water tanks that will provide consistent water pressure to meet fluctuating needs and installing new distribution pipelines. Hiring local workers for the project construction also develops local knowledge for upkeep and maintenance, as the ownership of all water systems are turned over to the community upon completion. Meet our project manager.


Water is captured from a source before it can become contaminated.  It is filtered in the collection chamber and flows onward. Entrenched PVC pipe carries water to tanks and to multiple tap stands. Tap stands are strategically positioned within easy walking distance to schools, churches, community centers, and other central locations to maximize access points for residents. Water is available for free to all people regardless of the person’s tribe or religion.

Follow our progress on Facebook and Instagram for the most up-to-date details.

As of June 18, 2024, Kivyiname Primary School has a new water tank benefiting its 226 students and teachers. This development enhances the availability of essential resources within the school environment.


Without access to clean water, people must spend valuable time collecting water for daily use, and they are sick more often, due to preventable water-borne diseases. Both of these have a disproportionate impact on children, whose school attendance suffers because they are needed at home or are simply ill. With clean, accessible water, these barriers to education disappear

The availability of clean water and the resulting improvements in health and education begin to reverse the cycle of poverty. According to the World Bank, returns on education investment are the largest in Africa over any other continent, and each additional year of schooling raises earnings by 11% for boys and 14% for girls.

Project Updates

Interim Project Update 1:

Progress on the Musenyi-Gasibe Water Project is underway. Jean Bosco Ndabaniwe, our project manager, reports progress is moving along well. Milestones completed as of March 18, 2024 include:

  • Sources catchment protection are 60% complete

  • Rehabilitation of 2 collection chambers is complete

  • Rehabilitation of 1 tank is complete

  • 1 (of 22) tap stands is complete

  • Digging trenches is around 2 km

  • Connection of pipes is around 1.2km

Wonderful news indeed.
We are happy to hear the two communes are working together and that they are pleased with the work the Gazelle Foundation is doing through your leadership. Thank you, Bosco and the team for what you do for communities in Burundi.
— Gilbert Tuhabonye, March 18, 2024

Interim Project Update 2:

Progress on the Musenyi-Gasibe Water Project is on time and on budget. Jean Bosco Ndabaniwe, our project manager, reports the following milestones as of April 14, 2024:

  • Sources catchment protection are 90% complete

  • Rehabilitation and testing of 5 tanks is complete

  • 9 (of 22) tap stands are complete

  • Digging trenches is around 4 km

  • Connection of pipes is around 8km

Interim Project Update 3:

Progress on the Musenyi-Gasibe Water Project is on time and on budget. Jean Bosco Ndabaniwe, our project manager, reports the following milestones as of July 11 , 2024:

  • Sources catchment protection are complete

  • Rehabilitation of 15 tanks is complete

  • 1 new 5m3 tank is complete

  • 22 tap stands are completed

  • Digging trenches is around 8 km

  • Connection and rehabilitation of pipes is around 17km

Interim Project Update 4:

Progress on the Musenyi-Gasibe Water Project continues. Our clean water systems dramatically reduce the distance traveled to access water, from 4 miles to one quarter of a mile, due to the strategic placement of public-access tap stands. This means substantially less time is required to fetch and carry water, a job traditionally done by women and children. It allows children to spend more time in school, and provides women with the time to develop trades or care for home and family. In addition, the shorter distance eliminates the dangers found in treacherous mountainous terrain or near dangerous, untreated water sources three to four hours away.Jean Bosco Ndabaniwe, our project manager, reports the following milestones as of August 7, 2024:

  • Rehabilitation of 19 tanks is complete

  • 28 tap stands are completed

  • Digging trenches is around 9 km

  • Connection and rehabilitation of pipes is around 22km


Musenyi-Gasibe water system was completed on August 30, 2024. It serves 3,500 people, including 379 students and teachers at Gasibe Primary School, 226 students and teachers at Kivyirame Primary School, 455 students and teachers at Bitezi Primary School, and 310 students and teachers at Rwogo Primary School. Construction of the system provided work for 75 local residents.

It brings us, 3,500 people closer to achieving our goal of providing every person in Burundi with clean water, the highest quality of life, and hope within reach.

One of the key components of our work is the handoff of the water system. Upon completion, we turn ownership and stewardship of the system over to the community. The local workers employed to build our systems have the maintenance knowledge that allows for greater long-term viability and sustainability of our systems. Read more about the handover.


This project was funded by a wonderful supporter like you. We thank the generous donors for changing the lives of the people in this community through access to clean water. 

Our next water system depends on you! We have 36 months of shovel-ready projects lined up - all we need is your support. Help us give the gift of clean water to those that need it most.