Austin Marathon Gives

It's Official Gazelle Foundation is back for Austin Marathon Gives Charity Program

It's Official Gazelle Foundation is back for Austin Marathon Gives Charity Program

The Gazelle Foundation is fortunate to once again participate in Austin Marathon Gives, the philanthropic program, which encourages runners to raise money for local charities. The results of this partnership have a clear and direct impact on our ability to provide clean, accessible water to people in Burundi. In 2025, the program will give 695 new people daily access to clean water.

It's Official Gazelle Foundation is back for Austin Marathon Gives Charity Program

It's Official Gazelle Foundation is back for Austin Marathon Gives Charity Program

The Gazelle Foundation is fortunate to once again participate in Austin Marathon Gives, the philanthropic program of the Ascension Seton Austin Marathon presented by UnderArmour that connects race participants to local non-profit organizations. And it’s official, the Moody Foundation match is back for 2023.