Jackie says, “Gilbert Tuhabonye's story of personal tragedy turned to individual triumph is just one of my motivations to become a monthly donor. Knowing that each race registration fee raises enough money to provide clean water to a resident of Burundi for life must mean that monthly donations provide that much more. Water is life. What could be easier or more rewarding than providing that every month?”

World Water Day

World Water Day

World Water Day became a United Nations observance day in 1993. On 22 March every year, people and organizations mark World Water Day. Valuing Water, this year’s theme extends the conversation beyond issues of pricing to include the environmental, social, and cultural value people place on water.

Watch Gilbert Tuhabonye, Co-Founder of Gazelle Foundation show how our actions are tackling the water crisis. And what’s possible.

Join AMAZI For Burundi, Our Sustaining Member Program

Join AMAZI For Burundi, Our Sustaining Member Program

We invite you to become a sustaining member of our “Amazi for Burundi” giving community.

AMAZI for Burundi is our monthly sustaining membership program that provides a steady investment in clean water. You get the ease and convenience of a monthly membership and a regular reminder that you are reaching across the globe to help others.

Welcome New Board Members

Welcome New Board Members

With this new year, we are pleased to welcome new Board Members to the Gazelle Foundation. Welcome, Danielle Sweeney, Adam Reiser, and Chad Whited.

We extend our deepest thanks to exiting board members, Christian Goy, Minnie Hollyman, and Quincy Lee whose efforts have made a profound impact on over 100,000 people in Burundi.